
While Kris Munn and the county legislature have accomplished many things over the past few years, here are some of the most important or relevant to our community.


REDUCED county property tax rate every year
ACHIEVED Climate Smart Certification will bring in millions in grants and funding to support programs and pay for services
SUPPORTED funding for rec park renovations in Red Hook and the new water system in Tivoli

Economy / Environment

LAUNCHED Green Business Partnership certification program in cooperation with Sustainable Hudson Valley
PASSED bipartisan bill to ban plastic shopping bags starting in 2020 (later superceded by state law)


FORCED county government to develop and publish written rules for handling large capital projects
PASSED resolution requiring county to list all citizen committees and their schedules online
SUPPORTED law to ban contributions to candidates over $100 from companies that do business with the county
OPPOSED change to county law making it easier to raise elected officials salaries
VOTED AGAINST unjustified salary hikes for myself and other county elected officials
SUPPORTED law to stop county from spending taxpayer money on mailers that promote elected officials
PROPOSED amendment to reduce mandatory overtime at county jail and save millions


FUNDED construction of a new emergency services and training center
SUPPORTED law requiring every pharmacy to have a prescription drug take-back box, paid for by the drug companies
SUPPORTED change to help solve understaffing problem and reduce costly mandatory overtime at our county jail and save taxpayers money
PASSED increased funding for educational services about opioid addiction and mental health services
PASSED expansion of the Domestic Abuse Response Team to help county-wide


New Senior Friendship Center relocates to Red Hook Community Center
PASSED funding so Senior Friendship Centers can open 5 days a week in 2019


PASSED bipartisan push for additional funding for Dutchess Community College
FUNDED new hangar at airport where DCC will teach high demand and good paying airplane mechanic skills to students


PASSED 12-year term limits
PASSED Independent Redistricting Commission forcing an end to the corrupt practice of partisan gerrymandering
BLOCKED efforts to weaken disclosure rules for elected officials
VOTED AGAINST unjustified salary hikes for myself and other county elected officials